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Know About the12 Powerful Steps To Manage Your WordPress Website

How do you manage your WordPress website? In this blog post we have written 12 steps to manage a WordPress website that require ongoing care for your website, ranging from a good testing environment to a hosting server, user control and performance.

After all, all these points are important for your website to provide a good browsing experience for you and your users, as well as security and great performance.

In this post, you will also learn about a tool that will help you carry out a real diagnosis on your WordPress to ensure that everything is working perfectly or even discover what needs more attention right now.

Test environment

It is essential to have a testing environment to manage your WordPress website. Testing plugins, making updates and running tests on the production website can be risky, as it can cause problems and affect the audience. Having a separate testing environment allows you to verify that changes do not cause problems before deploying them to the main site.

Hosting and Service Server

Choosing the hosting server is essential for good management of a WordPress website. It is important that hosting offers security, stability and high availability. Furthermore, service from the hosting company is also important, as problems can always occur and fast and efficient support is necessary.


Keeping the website and its components updated is crucial to ensuring the security and proper functioning of WordPress. It’s important to pay attention to WordPress updates, plugins, themes, and hosting services. Ignoring updates can create security holes and performance issues. Always keep everything up to date to ensure security and take advantage of the latest features.

Update Location

When performing updates, it is important not to update directly from the production site. Doing so may result in problems and prevent users from accessing the content. All updates should be done in the testing environment first to ensure everything works correctly before applying them to the main site.

Backup Routine

Having a backup routine is essential for managing a WordPress website. It is important to perform backups regularly to ensure the security of your website data. Additionally, it is crucial to save backups in a separate location from the main server to avoid data loss in case of website issues.

User Management

It is important to keep your website user management up to date. Check how many users there are, how many are administrators and what level of access each one has. Make sure passwords are strong and consider implementing two-factor authentication to increase security. It is essential to ensure that only trusted people have access to the website.

License Management

It is important to correctly manage licenses for plugins, themes and other paid services used on your WordPress website. Avoid using pirated licenses as this may cause security issues. It is recommended to acquire licenses legally and maintain control over them, even in case of changes to the site or supplier.

Automated Alerts

Setting up automated alerts is important for tracking website performance and detecting issues quickly. Being notified about server outages or website issues allows you to act promptly and ensure your website is always available to visitors.

Number of Plugins

Although plugins are useful, it is important to regularly check that all installed plugins are really necessary. The more plugins, the more work it takes to keep them updated and the greater the risk of security issues and incompatibilities. Keep only essential plugins to ensure a more secure and better performing website.

Website Performance

Checking website performance is essential to ensure a good user experience. A slow website can negatively impact customers and harm conversions. Additionally, search engines also consider website performance in their rankings. It is important to monitor performance and perform optimizations whenever necessary.


Since 2020, the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) has been in force and it is important to ensure that the website complies with the rules. It is essential to protect users’ data and respect their choices regarding the collection and storage of personal information. Stay up to date with LGPD requirements and implement the necessary measures on your website.

How to know what you need to manage a WordPress website

All of these steps need attention , but how do I know which areas of my website need more attention? Where to start? That’s where we have excellent news to tell you. 

In a few minutes, you will answer the quiz and have access to a true diagnosis that will help you discover how your management is going and even receive tips on how to improve your website care routine.

If you have questions about the main points that require good management or even how to answer the quiz effectively,  you can contact us.

Managing all these points can be challenging for entrepreneurs or IT teams with little time available. Hiring a professional or a team specializing in WordPress can be an efficient solution to ensure good website management. They can take care of all the technical aspects and ensure that the website is always secure and working properly.

We hope that all this information and useful tips can help you be even more successful on your website. Thanks for reading and see you next time!

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