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Top 24 Powerful Reasons to Use WordPress in 2024

24 reasons to use WordPress in 2024
Top 24 Powerful Reasons to Use WordPress in 2024

Are you looking for a free and intuitive platform to create your website in 2024? Discover the 24 reasons to use WordPress in 2024 listed by experts

Do you already have a website to promote your products and services? Or are you still unsure whether WordPress is the ideal platform for you? We understand you!

Creating a website is essential to further showcase your brand, but you need to choose a reliable platform that adapts and accompanies your growth on the web safely and with great performance.

So, if you are in doubt whether WordPress is the right platform for your business. This article is for you. Web Pro Plans brought together its WordPress experts to list nothing more, nothing less than 24 reasons. That’s right! 24 reasons to use WordPress in 2024!

If I were you, I would start checking out all the reasons right now! Now if you already use WordPress, this post is also for you! With them, you will remember the features to make the most of the platform!

Reason To Use WordPress in 2024

Reason 1: Easy to use

WordPress is known for its easy-to-use interface. From logging in to creating posts and pages, it’s a user-friendly platform for any user, including writers who want to create their own blog or people who need an ecommerce platform to organize their products.

Reason 2: Plugins and Themes

WordPress offers a wide variety of plugins and themes to suit all tastes and needs. You can find plugins for stores, teaching systems and specific themes for different areas of business.

Reason 3: Community

WordPress has a huge and active community willing to help. You can find support on the WordPress forums , other platforms, and even in-person events like meetups and WordCamps.

Reason 4: Popularity

WordPress is an extremely popular platform, which means you’ll have an easy time finding experts and solutions for your needs. Furthermore, the popularity of WordPress brings benefits such as technical support and the development of new technologies.

Reason 5: Freedom

WordPress is an open source tool, which means you have complete freedom to customize and adapt it to your needs. You don’t need to rely on licenses or third parties to do what you want with the platform.

Reason 6: Scalability

WordPress is highly scalable, which means you can start with a simple website and expand it as your business grows. You can add features like an online store or a teaching system without any problems.

Reason 7: Blog

WordPress was originally developed as a blogging platform and is still the best option for creating and managing a blog. With its easy-to-use interface, you can easily organize and schedule your posts, as well as execute content marketing strategies.

Reason 8: Online Store

WordPress offers the possibility of creating a robust online store. With eCommerce plugins, you can manage your products, sales, and payment integrations, as well as have features like coupons and product shipping.

Reason 9: Education System

WordPress allows you to create a complete teaching system. With plugins like Sensei, you can deliver classes, modules, certificates and customize everything according to your needs.

Reason 10: Flexibility

WordPress is extremely flexible and can be adapted to any business model. You can create anything from a simple blog to an institutional website, an online store and an education system, all within the same platform.

Reason 11: Updates

WordPress undergoes frequent updates to improve the platform and fix possible vulnerabilities. You can rest assured knowing there will always be updates to keep your site secure and up to date.

Reason 12: SEO Friendly

WordPress has an SEO-friendly structure, following best practices and allowing you to optimize your website for search engines. Additionally, there are plugins specialized in SEO that can help improve your website’s performance even further.

Reason 13: Content Creation

WordPress offers a pleasant experience for creating content. You can easily type your posts, drag and drop images, insert content blocks and preview the result in real time.

Reason 14: Security

WordPress is safe as long as you follow good security practices, such as keeping the platform updated and using strong passwords. With proper care, WordPress provides a secure environment for your website.

Reason 15: Business Modeling

WordPress allows you to shape your business however you want. With its flexibility, you can create different sections on your website to meet your specific needs and adapt the platform to your business model.

Reason 16: Performance of WordPress in 2024

WordPress can help improve your website’s performance, as long as you choose suitable themes, use the correct plugins and follow best practices for speed optimization. With the right recommendations, your website can achieve excellent performance test scores.

Reason 17: Popularity of WordPress in 2024

More than 40% of websites on the internet use WordPress in 2024 . This popularity is an indication of the reliability and quality of the platform, in addition to bringing benefits such as greater support and resource development.

Reason 18: No Code

You can create and manage your website on WordPress without having to write a single line of code . With its visual tools and plugins, you can build your website without programming knowledge.

Reason 19: Make Money

WordPress offers opportunities to earn money. You can monetize your website with ads, partnerships and product sales. Additionally, you can offer website creation services using WordPress as a tool.

Reason 20: Specialized Hosting

There are specialized WordPress hosts that offer environments optimized for the platform. You can choose between different hosting options, from the simplest to the most advanced, depending on your needs.

Reason 21: Test New Businesses

WordPress is an excellent option for testing new businesses, as it allows you to quickly create a website to validate your ideas and see if they have potential. You can test different business models and adjust as needed.

Reason 22: Productivity

WordPress is a productivity machine, offering features like scheduling posts, quick page creation, and templates that make building your website easier. With its tools, you can optimize the time spent creating and managing your website.

Reason 23: To Create Your First Website Use WordPress in 2024

WordPress is a great option for your first website as it is easy to use, flexible and does not require advanced technical knowledge. You can create your website yourself, customize it as needed, and start building your online presence.

Reason 24: Twenty Twenty-Four Theme (T24 WordPress theme)

In 2024, the T24 WordPress theme was launched, which uses the new full site editing feature. With this theme, you can customize all elements of your website, such as header, footer, post styles, and colors, directly within WordPress, without the need for additional plugins.

Conclusion for using WordPress in 2024

We hope these 24 reasons to use WordPress in 2024 have helped you consider using the platform in 2024. We wish you all a successful year and are here to help in any way you need. Thank you and see you next time!

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